"Amuse Me!!"Tonight, I had one of the BEST calls ever! What made it so great was the fact that the caller knew his puny pecker was for my amusement and humiliation. He actually said, “Ma’am, I want to amuse you with how small my cock is.” I have to say that small cock phone sex is one of my favorites! The fun isn’t just in making you feel two inches tall, but in the reaction I get when the realization hits that you are masculinely challenged.

It amazes me ,to this day, the number of men that still ask, ” DOES size matter ,mistress?”. Well, of course it does and you wouldn’t be asking, if you thought it didn’t. Do NOT play dumb with me!!! Your pathetic pecker would not be in panties, if you were a real man. So …go ahead…amuse me. Little dicks are funny  to look at, by virtue of being small. Miniature things are cute and fun to play with, so I will let you play. Do something that will make me laugh though, like fuck a hollowed out pickle! 🙂