"Craving Shemale Cock?"Caressed by sleep’s sweet embrace, your mind begins to let go. You feel your body relax, sending you into that other world where fantasy meets reality. There are so many thoughts running wild through your mind. You see her at a distance, long dark hair billowing in the breeze as she beckons you to come closer. Her see-thru, flowered dress reminds you of  the sweet frustration of the tease. Shifting slightly in bed, you feel the lightest tingle of fingertips, trailing ever so slightly near your groin. Trying, with every fiber of your being to get closer to her, you realize that this is not one of those common femdom fantasies.

Craving something unusual

Getting closer to the gorgeous Brunette, you fix your eyes on her as the bottom of her dress floats up, Marilyn Monroe style. You get a good look underneath and to your surprise, a thick , meaty cock is revealed! She winks at you and turns to walk away. Her heels seem to be moving at a slow, graceful pace, as if she is floating on a cloud. It is necessary for you to quicken your pace , if you want to catch up with her. Beads of sweat start to pop up on your forehead as you break into a run. As you are just about to reach her, you wake up! The sheets are soaked with sweat and you have your cock in your hand. The telltale traces of spunk on your chest need no explanation. In the middle of the night your transgender fantasies flourish. Shhh!!! It’s our secret.